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Thursday, 16 August 2012



shared by Thiru.Vai.Gopalakrishnan

My second award in the blog world. Thanks a lot to all the supporters. I am very happy that I am surrounded by a beautiful blog group ,to name a few, Thiru.Vai.Gopalakrishnan, Mrs.Usha Srikumar, Mrs.Ranjani Narayanan,Mrs.Raja  Rajeswari, Mr.L.K , Mrs. Bhuvani,Mira&#39, Ms. Aishwarya , Mrs. Meera , Mr.Manimaran . To my knowledge all are really all rounders and their versatility is something amazing. I have taken blogging seriously only recently and these awards are a real good source of encouragement.. My special thanks to my sister Mrs. Meera Janakiraman for introducing good Tamil bloggers.I congratulate  all the co-receivers(107!!!!!!) of this award.

Friday, 10 August 2012


 Comparison of flash mob with discourses:

Actually there are not many similarities between these two. but somehow when I   watch divine discourses it reminds me of flash mob. Hence this blog..........

My daughter told me about the flash mob that is being practiced in western countries for promoting products . It has become a high fashion now to do this way of business promotional activities.

What is flash mob:
It is actually a group action performed in a given venue which is generally crowded. The players will perform an action ( a dance step) and the public will follow suit suddenly from different corner of the crowd, at a time, out of  the blue, as if a sudden break out of an action, spontaneously.
The sudden unexpected dance movements from the public will make an attraction to the given crowd. and before you could think of that, the performers will vanish.
The whole idea will be like a flash.

Here in a discourse (for example ,in a recent spiritual bajan byVittal Maharaj, at Chennai ) the general public would start performing an action voluntarily  without practice followed by one by one in the crowd and at one point of time we can see the whole auditorium( about more than 600 members) doing different kinds of action according to the music. When the person on the stage  stops the tune everybody re-positions in their chairs and starts listening his discourse as if nothing had happened.
Ho! it is amazing to watch. Here  there is no business promotion but  a voluntary action towards the Almighty. There is no artificial smile or tension in the faces of performers, but some kind of satisfaction and happiness instead. The man on the stage was not conducting or ordering, but the audience would  start dancing voluntarily.
The you tube presentation for you all to watch and enjoy: Maharaj performance)

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

I hide my tears in my smile

I hide my tears in my smile:

I came across this phrase just now. It kindled my thoughts further,
I recollected the occasions when I smiled and did I hide my tears.I used to be a cry baby and I could not control my tears even for the sake of others.......but,
when I joined the new college leaving my best school friend(she joined in some other college) trying to show her that I am not missing her. Ego?????
when my eldest sister bid us goodbye after her marriage, leaving Coimbatore for Madras( then)since it is a good occasion tears were  not encouraged.
on leaving my girls at PSBB school on the first day of school, then I have become a dutiful mother so I should not cry!!!!!!!!
when my daughters left for Germany for higher education.....................
but is it true that I hide my tears in my smile?
I tried but the audience has to acknowledge it........

It is always difficult to hide your tears in smile( like the Great Actor Shivaji Ganesan)
two extreme emotions in one's face at a moment......
but you can really enjoy this expression when an Innocent child cries and if you give  him/her a candy immediately a big smile will emerge.
ho! a great treat watch , otherwise it is very difficult to hide one emotion on the other .

 Dear readers, please share your experiences too!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


This beautiful blog award is given by the real versatile blog writer  Mrs.Meera ( the proud host of .
Thank you very much Meera. Iam delighted to receive this from a very good writer who is popular for her humorous writing. 

Though I started blogging in 2011 now only  I have involved myself very much . I am yet to follow other's blogs though I do follow a few interesting  and established bloggers like, L.K, Mrs.Usha srikumar, pattani sundal, Mrs.Mano Swaminathan, petaldew , many are introduced through my sister  Meera.

Let me share a few things about me with you all friends:
I am basically  interested in all worldly things , a big nature lover.
I love all types of art but carnatic music is very much close to my heart.
I believe that Life is a celebration ,try to make it colourful as far as I  can.
I do believe that everything is 'AVAN SEYAL,(GOD is great)
I am trying to use eco-freindly products in day to day life .

 I do share this award right now with 2  upcoming bloggers whose writings are really versatile and commendable and let me find  some of the other 3upcoming bloggers to whom I shall share this award soon. Aishwarya is basically a very good writer. Her analysis of events are different . She truly represents the modern blog world with open mind. I am happy in sharing this award with her. :  She is a nature lover like me. She gives very authentic information about all beauty products and very useful beauty tips also. I am very much happy in sharing this award with her for her dedication and hard work in finding information.
I am starting my Tamil blog very soon with good information. The passion for writing in tamil is kindled by none other than our Thanaithalaivi. Thank you Meera.All the best to my fellow award sharers.

Finish everything!!!!!!!!!! With love (order)

I recently attended a function.  It was a 60th birthday-celebration. Most of my relatives and friends who attended it were all of age between 50 + to 70+
Everybody wished the birthday girl!!!!!!!!! And slowly went for lunch.
The lunch was elaborate and the basic items were served before anybody could sit.
The food was good with 3 varieties of sweets, fruits and what not.
When curd was served, it was announced that nobody should waste anything and all should consume everything that was served in their plates.
I could easily notice the sudden discomfort arising in the faces of some of the elders.
I became furious! What a host? It is a well accepted truth that one should never waste food. But we have to understand the meaning behind it.
When the food was not served before itself or it is in a buffet,  then the concept holds. But if it was served without our consent and if we are forced to consume it , it is more of a punishment than a treat!!
A small survey. If we take food even after it is served in our plate(with consent), and we find it some- what very spicy or very hot or very sweet,  we cannot consume it. If we eat it unwillingly, it will do more harm than good to our body. We, the custodian of our body masses, it is our duty to safeguard it.
Then is it right to waste food???
No, no, certainly not.
Majority of our folks know the fact that we should never waste food. But sometime if we are forced to leave some remaining in our plate, let us see what happens next!
the left- overs will be thrown outside and which will happily be consumed by cows , dogs, ants and other living creatures and it will not do any harm to their body.
Hence the conclusion is, one should not waste food consciously and also not be forced to consume more than his or her body requirements. Left_ over  will  always be consumed by other living creatures.
That too children who do not know how much he should eat and elders who does not know how much their body will accept, should never forced to finish everything, if at all they feel it is too much for them at that time.
Dear friends, do not force old people  and kids to finish everything in their plate completely . Try to understand their body and if you want to be really good to them ,please stand by them and serve personally to avoid wastage.


The  (sad) story of an Inverter

 We need to buy a generator.
 The power cut in Madras (before the name change to Chennai) is very heavy, especially  in a place like Chromepet!
Let me see.
Children have come to 10th std. We need to buy a self starting generator(next advancement)
Let me try
Hey! This emergency lamp is not useful anymore.  See the children are studying even during night. Let us buy an inverter (by this time inverter is a new concept)
Generator is better……… let us buy one
The Government has officially declared 2 hours power cut. When the children come back from college it is very difficult if they have to sit without fan.  We need to buy one inverter NOW.
Let us see the performance in others’ houses and then decide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Hey, literally we are experiencing 4 hours of power cut.  We really need to install one inverter. High time.
 We should not live in luxury let us face the hardship like anybody else.
See,  when our daughter comes from office it is highly difficult for her to  cope up with the power cut since our slot is 4 to 6……….
Ok let us go and buy one.
The amount  was paid in full and the electrician was asked to install it the very next day ,THE ’D’  DAY  WAS 30TH OF MAY
Then the announcement came on TV that there would  not be  2 hours power cut HERE AFTER , it was going to be reduced to one hour!!!!!!!!!!
It’s ok  ! Now we are  waiting for that precious one hour to cherish  the “there- is-still-power-supply-in-OUR- LIVING- ROOM” scene!!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Empty nester

This phrase which I heard recently has kindled my thoughts.
Oh !no !it is not
 It is an exaggerated version of loneliness of a couple after their children have flown  away from their nest.
Just watch birds,
There is always a happy chirping noise in the bird’s nest like a house full of little ones.

The parent birds will feed their younger ones in their nest.                  
Again and again it will do the same job now and then fondly as if it does not have any other work than feeding the young ones.
Sometimes these parent birds will not even feed themselves.
Moreover it will safeguard them from the enemies (crows???) , tooth and nail.
One fine day we will notice that there will be no chirping noise from the nest.
Yes, it all moved away leaving the nest empty.
Oh! No! it is a haunted feeling.
 But , then I noticed that the parent birds as well as the young ones( no more young now) will fly happily along with their flock s in their own well defined  path
They all will be either in a same flock or a different one. But moving very happily in the sky( hope you would have also noticed!!!)
So , my conclusion is there is no empty nester scenario at all. (Great relief!!!)
The nesting is a temporary scene and the happy flying with their flocks is the real scene.
Hence, even if our children have moved away from homes there is no emptiness rather we all going to fly with our own clan happily and ever after.
Home sweet home concept will never change since home is not a nest which is constructed with rubbish
But a home is built on emotional bonding which will stay ever after.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012


The presumption of 29th February.

When I opened the computer it reminded me that today is 29th February
What is the big deal?
It comes only in 4 years of time.
So what?
Then where is it in all the other three years?
It is a simple mathematics that when the number in the year could be divided by 4 then it is called a leap year then the  it will have a day extra in February
Why only in February
Why can’t it be in January  itself or in December!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey these things are calculated by experts before itself if you want you can Google it and see
So all these calculation are also based on certain assumption that 1+1=2 and not the number 3 ???
Ho !no! it is not going into my mind
Why 365 days and 366 days?
Hey it is very simple
It is based on the movements of the SUN and the EARTH
Is our life calculated on the basis of the numbers!!!!
Ho yah !it is .
So are we controlled by the SUN and the EARTH
Why not the poor MOON?
Back to the same question why not January  32nd instead of February 29th?
This date remains me of something.
From where do we get 29th February
 Is it on the calendar? Or is it in the mind?

Thursday, 2 February 2012

My daughter is the Best

She is Great
She is a phenomenon
she is the survivor
she is the strength of me
who is she?
She is my daughter!!!!
She is very soft at the same time she is very Strong
She is not judgemental
she will never advocate things to others
she is simple
she is obedient
she will speak out her mind clearly
at the same time
she will respect our opinion(parents, and her favourite younger sister)also
she is practical and she is focused
she tries to make her life simpler  so as to achieve her goal easily
she is ambitious and is patient
she is very playful and loves all sorts of sports
she is the admirer as well as she is a performer of all reasonable sports( right from badminton to climbing tree)
she is full of bubbling youth and childish
her goal is very simple and achievable
what is that???
being  happy go lucky girl,
you will and you are
Aishwarya , our Apple of the eye.

Sunday, 29 January 2012


when siblings are around you feel at ease always,
I had a wonderful time with my sisters after a very long time.
We the 3 sisters and my mom planned for an outing for my daughter's getting a plum jos at IBM,
My sister was waiting for me for the past 1 hour near Jayachandra textile to receive us at the T.Nagar station.
Since we could n't get an auto at the right time we got into the train half an hour late.
My sister kept on calling me over my mobile just to ensure that we were on the right track(we used to go by car earlier).
we got down from the train, spotted my sister standing patiently  at the entrance of the jayachandra textile , waved her hand and smiled at us joyfully,
and asked,' hey why are you so late? any thing went wrong?'
I answered,' no no just we missed 2 trains' how long you have been here?'
" since 1 hour , and the shop-keeper is not allowing me to sit inside"
"ho', I didn't take it seriously
we went for shopping and to a very good hotel and enjoyed thoroughly and came back home.
my daughter asked me' pavam ma Rema ,( she used to address my sister by her name ) , she was waiting for us quite a long, how long she was waiting for us in the station ma?'
I said without hesitation" hi some what 1 hour"
then only I realised ONE HOUR ! waiting on the streets alone , that too  receiving us with a warm smile!!!
Tears came rolling from my eyes.