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Monday, 4 April 2011

A tribute to Uncle Pai

My two daughters grew with our great Uncle Pai
Our travel was not completed without a tinkle in one hand
The previous day of our long drive would always  be filled with stalking old issues of tinkle  on the rear seat of the car
The children would not get irritated by travelling long distance if we give them one Amar Chitra katha
Uncle pai is the major contributor in introducing mythological characters to our children
They picked up the fun ,courage , excitement good language what not from your books
Shihari Shambu  and Suppandi have become our household names for ever
If I have a dull moment I shall pick up one of my daughter’s tinkle and start reading that I would regain my cheerfulness
My daughters used to contribute a lot to tinkle magazine “It happened to me “was their favourate
Some of them were published also and if the article was not up to the mark Uncle pai himself would write a letter( hand written with his signature) and attach some stickers also to encourage the children which I have preserved like any other medals and awards of my daughter’s
Dear Mr.Uncle Pai
I haven’t seen you
 But Alas !your parting from  this world made me very sad as if we have lost one side of the wonder world of a child.
Good Bye to YOU , The Creator, But your creation will live long in the world of innocents .